Support and Donate

We need your funds to educate, investigate and deliver the World Heritage Site to the people of East Sussex at the site of the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Invasion – all in one valley on the outskirts of Hastings. Everyone within twenty miles of this site will benefit. Make a donation now. If you are a business in this area send us £100 and be listed on our site as a Corporate Supporter – they are the kind of businesses who want this area to be flourishing. If you are an individual and donate £50 or more we will list you too on our Heritage and Environment Significant People List – the sort of people who love history and the environment, who seek to protect it for future generations.

Facilities to donate will be provided shortly

There are two ways to help, either make a donation  of an amount you think appropriate:

or just pay the annual subscription fee of £10 per annum and follow us by making the donation and then clicking the follow button on the main web page. Your support will ensure we achieve our objective of a World Heritage Site in the Hastings, Battle and Bexhill areas, which are all around the Crowhurst and Combe Haven valley. The road we propose (route S3A) has been proven to be the cheapest route which starts in the same place as the proposed link road, is cheaper than the proposed link road, avoids the environmental and heritage sites in the Combe Haven and Crowhurst valley, and allows the World Heritage Site registration – Support us now with your money and we will do what is necessary.
Thank You

Categories: Our Blog | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Support and Donate

  1. reginald Iveson

    Why do you not raise extra capital by giving guided and informative walking talks of the relevant areas. These could be by invitation only avoiding official health and safety guide lines and expenses.. There is an extensive Senior market for such. Fees would of cause be donations and the walks would be available summer and winter. Promotion and finance in one.

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